For this installment of “Passion, Fear and Drive,” I’m super happy to feature Claudio Rochat-Felix. Claudio is a Seattle-based drummer and one third of the rising electro/pop dance band Richie Aldente. A few days ago, Claudio and I sat down for coffee and conversation at a Capitol Hill cafe. Claudio is smart, driven and thoughtful. Our talk blazed across several subjects and delved into the philosophical. At times, Claudio most definitely challenged my thinking. Although there are many things I could exact from our discussion to write about here, the subject at hand is “Passion, Fear and Drive.” Here’s what Claudio had to say…
1. Define or describe passion as you understand/experience it.
It’s a need to do something. It’s not a conscious decision.
2. What are you passionate about?
Improvement. Overall. Personal improvement. You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. Staying as you are means you’re getting worse–things are moving all around you.
3. How does fear show up in your creative process? *
Not being who I think I can be; not realizing my full capacity and having regrets based on that. Looking back and thinking “coulda, woulda, shoulda.”
(*When I asked this question, Claudio was quick to point out that he doesn’t think of himself as creative; “Who would say that about themselves?”)
4. How do you work with fear?
Fear is contextual. Fear and comparison have been strong motivators.
I try to do stuff. Do more.
There have been periods when people say I should take it easier on myself and not work so hard. I know where they’re going with that but I disagree. You have to do more. That’s the perspiration piece. Substantial people who have something to offer, for the most part, are busting ass. The ditch doesn’t dig itself.
5. Define drive.
It’s the same as passion for me.
6. What keeps you in the game, inspires you to continue and keeps you moving forward, even through periods of fear, trepidation or malaise?
Music is the best. It allows me to express myself publicly in ways I would never choose to verbally. When I’m feeling good, everyone can hear what I’m saying.
What keeps me going through periods of darkness is knowing that it’s not going to last. Nothing lasts forever. That’s when you’re supposed to be in the basement working on your thing. It’s the opportunity to keep developing your craft so it can be used on the other side. Your life is an amalgamation of decisions. Having the capacity to make good decisions leads to the chance to make better decisions. Life is cumulative to me.
Richie Aldente has just released the video for “Cougar Hunt,” the tongue-in-cheek single from the 2011 CD “For the Ladies.” You can check it out here: Please share with your friends and help make some noise for Richie Aldente!