Weirdo Simpatico

The Book

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Weirdo Simpatico: Little Stories for Short Attention Spans

“Honesty is overrated, Floyd said as he grabbed another doughnut off the tray. With coffee dribbling down the front of his shirt, he continued. “Nobody really cares how you feel or what your opinion is about this thing or that or the other. See, people don’ts got time for all that. They want short, quick and easy.” He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “They just wants you to shut up and git her done.” His employees shifted in their seats, incredulous and crestfallen that fate had brought them to this place.

This collection of one-bite narratives explores the peculiarities and nuances of the human experience and celebrates the weirdo in us all. I like to think of these very short stories (less than half a page) − from Roxanne refusing to friend her grandfather on Facebook to Gloria’s strained relations with the neighbor’s dog – as tiny pokes that give the reader a mental double-take. We all have our quirky tendencies and unique ways of showing up in the world. Weirdo Simpatico is a simple microcosm of what we are, at least on some level.

Available on Amazon. Click HERE to purchase your copy!

The Band

Starting with original short stories as a springboard, we blast off on improvisation adventures that could best be described as a head-on collision of free jazz and flash fiction. In the words of bassist Paul Gabrielson, Weirdo Simpatico performances are “A guy walking away from a crime scene, lighting a cigarette, throwing the match over his shoulder and setting off a giant explosion.”

For booking inquiries, please email