The cherry blossoms are going berserk.
This is the cue.
We’ll rock like ninjas.
We’ll spin like dervishes.
We’ll smack the stars around.
It’s ours for the taking.
We’ve put in the time.
We’ve gone mad in the trenches.
We’ve stitched up every last broken heart.
It’s within our grasp.
The naysayers are trembling;
They see us completely now.
We’ll run with the buffaloes.
We know what it takes.
We’ll incandesce for as long as we feel like.
The universe is giggling.
She loved us the best all along.
Our angels have gone all in.
We’ve chanted for eons.
We’ve floated patiently.
We’ve traversed a thousand stoic miles.
Now, finally, it is our turn.
We seize it.
And every battered warrior is new again.