It is with great joy, tremendous relief and a heart full of gratitude that I announce the release of my first book “Weirdo Simpatico: Little Stories for Short Attention Spans." What started as a simple game of wordplay with friends on Facebook evolved into a true and goofy labor of love. This collection of bite-sized narratives explores the peculiarities and nuances of the human experience and celebrates the weirdo spirit that lives and breathes in all of us. Every character−from Roxanne refusing to friend her…
A few days ago, my friend Jason Parker, trumpeter, bandleader, educator and KPLU blogger, wrote a post entitled “Why Jazz Fans Shouldn’t Be So Quick to Dismiss Pop Music.” Jason is a member of a Facebook group “Jam of the Week” and wrote his post in response to negative comments that some “jazz snobs” had made about pop music. Jason makes a lot of good points. He questions the logic behind cutting oneself off from an entire genre of music. He also gives examples of…