The Big 5-0

 My guiding principle in creating this blog is authenticity and I always write from a place of openness and honesty. But every now and then, I wrestle with the conundrum of vulnerability and the simple question of whether or not to post about some of the more tender aspects of my humanity. Such is the case with this post. In the process of chewing this over, I reread a few older posts that I’d written, in particular, one on inspiration. I’m reminded that the artists…

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The Lessons We’re Always Learning

 Emmett stopped by my apartment briefly yesterday. He was swinging by to raid the fridge and to show me the new tattoo that he’d just gotten in honor of his fallen comrade, Nap. I hadn’t seen him since Nap’s memorial last week. He dropped in late afternoon and his visit was brief.  Emmett comes and goes like that. Still, it was good to see his face and to see with my own eyes that he is doing OK.  Nap’s memorial was held in the Paccar…

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The Day We Lost Everything

January 22, 1992. My most vivid memory from that day was of standing completely naked in my living room. The scene around me was frenetic and chaotic, but I remember feeling like I was in slow motion. It was early in the morning, maybe around 5:30am or so. The front door was wide open. It was frigid out and dark. I remember the flashing lights from the firetruck and ambulance in front of the house. I can still see the firemen walking into the house…

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