Out With the Old. In With the New.

Well, hot damn. We’ve managed to survive another year. High fives all around, people. The big transition from the old year to the new one is different for everyone. For a lot of people, it’s a time for deep reflection and possibly voodoo rituals. Other people just want to quickly slam the door shut on the passing year and hedge their bets on the next. Some people see New Year’s Eve as the last hurrah for holiday hedonism, with January 1 bringing new resolve and…

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Project Violet: One Girl’s Legacy

Violet & Randy What if you could help a dynamic team of scientists use nature as a platform to create life-saving treatments for rare cancers and other diseases? What if you had a role in groundbreaking research that could radically change the way we think about treating disease? What if you had a chance to be part of a mission to bring hope to future generations of children who are diagnosed with cancers that are currently incurable? What if you could…

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