Self-Care for the Apocalypse

Every day, there’s a new affront: another egregious human rights violation, another deplorable policy, another nefarious assault on fundamental decency. Just when we think it can’t get worse, that there is nowhere lower to sink, we’re proven wrong, slapped in the face once again. Most recently, it’s asylum-seeking families being treated like criminals, with children separated from their parents and placed in cages. In some cases, these families will never be reunited again. And in the midst of this vile chaos, Justice Kennedy announces his…

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We’re Stronger Than We Think

Life is an oddball circus and staying awake is a really good idea. You never known when some unexpected message is going to creep into the room and jump up in your lap. The other night, I went to the gym to row. Rowing is a relatively new thing for me. I’ve only been at it for a few months. I was inspired by my sister Martha. She started a month or so before me. I’m not sure what motivated her to climb on that…

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Grateful for Gay Kids

  I am grateful for gay kids. Their mere presence in the world makes it a better place. Gay kids are unique and effervescent spirits. Most have a wisdom beyond their years. Many are madly creative and unafraid to push the edge. Gay kids are old souls in young bodies. They infuse space and time with a special kind of magic. Coming of age is hard enough, but coming of age as a gay, lesbian, bisexual or trangender child is all the harder. In the…

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