When It All Makes Sense

    Maybe it will all make sense in the end. Maybe things will all tie up neatly and in our last gasp, we will say: "Aah…Now I get it." Maybe our longing will be sated and our curiosity will be satisfied. Maybe there’s a plausible explanation for every second we’ve spent here. But we don’t know that now. We can’t know that. We have to bake a little longer. Still, we want respite from this ambiguity. We jump up and down impatiently like a…

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Genderqueer-Part IV

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Genderqueer-Part III

This post has been temporarily removed.   Kate Bornstein   *** Stay with us. Don’t sink to the bottom like a fish going to sleep. Be with the ocean moving steadily all night, not scattered like a rainstorm.   The spring we’re looking for is somewhere in this murkiness. See the night-lights up there traveling together, the candle in its gold dish.   Don’t slide into the cracks of ground like spilled mercury. When the full moon comes out, look around.…

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Genderqueer- Part I

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