Shit God Says

OK, so the other night I was sitting at my dining room table, working on something. I was using a magic marker. I’m talking a big-ass, old-school Marks-A-Lot with the gnarly fumes. I was working away and started to get a little lightheaded from the vapors. Things went a little dippy, a little flippy and a whole lot otherworldly. The edges blurred for a second. There was a pop of light, and then God was sitting right there in front of me, in my own dining…

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God, Christmas & What We Choose to Believe

Be grateful for all circumstances Because it is God’s will.  This message appeared on the reader board of a Lutheran church in my neighborhood. I have driven past it several times over the past few weeks and every time I see it, it provokes me just a little. The question of God’s will, especially relative to faith, is a curious one to me. Given the climate of the world today, this seems like something worth poking at a little. And of course, any discussion of…

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