A Great Weekend!

  Seattle area jazz fans, rev up your engines! We’ve got a big weekend coming up with two GREAT events that are sure to delight and satisfy! Read on. The North Bend Jazz Walk takes place on Saturday, September 8, 2012.  Beautiful downtown North Bend is all about jazz this Saturday night. One cover gets you into six venues and the performance line-up is very tasty indeed. Featured acts include: Bernie Jacobs with the Danny Kolke Trio The Kelly Eisenhour Quartet with Alexey Nikolev Chris…

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Boxley’s Love

Today I’m thinking about venues that present live music verses venues that are pro- music. The former hires musicians to play in their clubs, throws some coin to the band (And, if the band is lucky, a meal and a few drinks.) and folds live music into the overall ambiance of the environment. The bottom line in these joints is usually food and drink sales. The more bodies the band can put in the seats, the better. The latter, however, is specifically about the music.…

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