Punching Valentine’s Day in the Nose

Uh oh, here comes Valentine’s Day. Of all the holidays across the calendar year, I’m not sure that any kick up as much emotional dust as this one does. People either really dig it or really loathe it. For some, it is a land mine of expectations, stress and, in come cases, unreasonable need. For the luckier ones, it is a Hallmark wonderland of candy hearts, hot romance and heavy breathing. For my part, I’m pretty neutral on it all. Excepting the occasional creepy overture…

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For Your Tender Heart at Christmas

I must concede that Christmas is indeed the most magical time of the year. Between the cheery lights, the upbeat snap in the air and the bright faces of excited children, there’s an inescapable wonder to it all. Whether you believe or not, even the elegant mystery of the Nativity can stir the most cynical spirit. It is the season of joy and possibility: the ultimate celebration. But Christmas can also break your heart. The holiday, with its relentless merriment, can exacerbate the ache of…

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Christmas: Have We Lost Our (bleeping) Minds?

    Black Friday. The mad crush of humanity at its worst. We’ve watched aghast another year as images on the nightly news and throughout social media show people clawing, punching, scratching, kicking and sometimes even shooting to get to the holy grail of discounted flat screens, gaming consoles and i-gadgets. This odious ritual has become the unofficial (and unfortunate) kickoff to the holiday season. “Deck the halls” has turned into “deck other people in the malls.” Elves tremble in fear and department store Santas…

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Reindeer Minutia

Ah, the season is upon us once again. Many of you probably celebrate the Christmas holiday or some variation of it. If so, it is quite likely that you are well schooled in all things Santa Claus. You know the stories. You’ve sat on laps and tugged on beards. You’re down with the “ho, ho, ho.”  You’ve done a few turns around the block on Candy Cane Lane. You know the drill. But what about Santa’s compadres? I’m talking about that elite, nine reindeer team…

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