A Single Woman’s Manifesto

If my ex-husband and I had been able to go the distance, last Wednesday, February 7, would have been our 31st wedding anniversary. Today is Valentine’s Day. The history of my relationships is unimportant. It’s enough to share that I’m uncoupled at present. I have not been in love for a very long time. I don’t know that I ever will be again. Either way, I’m okay. There will be no chocolates and rose petals for me today. I am no one’s Valentine. But still,…

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So Now What?

At this point, the shock has worn off. We’ve crawled out from the rubble of our collective disbelief and disappointment and are regaining our equilibrium, uneasy as it may be. We’re slowly squaring with the ice cold reality that Donald Trump – a deranged, unqualified and dangerously erratic narcissist –is the president elect and, even more chilling, that millions of our fellow Americans wanted this. We all wish this were a horrible dream that we’ll eventually wake up from. But with each creepy cabinet appointment...each…

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Facebook & the Pulpit of Sanctimony

After last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris, people started modifying their Facebook profile pictures with an overlay of the French flag, ostensibly to show support for Paris and the people impacted by the violence that took place across the city.  As with anything on Facebook, this quickly became a trend. Shortly thereafter came a wave of outcry from people who questioned the public outpouring of support for Paris while the previous day’s bombings in Beirut received scant attention or condemnation. To many, this disproportionate reaction…

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Genderqueer- Part I

  This post has been temporarily removed.  

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