Education: A Mom’s Dilemma

My Old School    OK, I’m having a mom conundrum. This particular issue spins around and around in my brain like a crazy dog endlessly chasing its tail. Sometimes it keeps me up nights. It’s certainly caused some considerable drama in our household over the past few years. In the big picture scheme of it all, I’m not even sure if all my fuss and worry is warranted.  The issue I’m talking about is education.  We have a struggle on our…

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Saint G & the Odyssey of Scat

 My head is exploding with scat. And I’m not talking about animal feces. I sure hope that my head wouldn’t be exploding with that. Clearly, if this were the case, I’d be having an altogether different set of problems. Nope, what I’m talking about when I talk about scat is vocal improvisation. Yeah, that God knows this is not the first time I’ve written about scat. Scat is many things to me. It is the hip dude leaning up against the bar. It’s also a…

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