A Single Woman’s Manifesto

If my ex-husband and I had been able to go the distance, last Wednesday, February 7, would have been our 31st wedding anniversary. Today is Valentine’s Day. The history of my relationships is unimportant. It’s enough to share that I’m uncoupled at present. I have not been in love for a very long time. I don’t know that I ever will be again. Either way, I’m okay. There will be no chocolates and rose petals for me today. I am no one’s Valentine. But still,…

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Punching Valentine’s Day in the Nose

Uh oh, here comes Valentine’s Day. Of all the holidays across the calendar year, I’m not sure that any kick up as much emotional dust as this one does. People either really dig it or really loathe it. For some, it is a land mine of expectations, stress and, in come cases, unreasonable need. For the luckier ones, it is a Hallmark wonderland of candy hearts, hot romance and heavy breathing. For my part, I’m pretty neutral on it all. Excepting the occasional creepy overture…

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Aching For You: 8 Songs For the Lovelorn on Valentine’s Day

Many people will be come home to a bouquet of roses tonight or will gaze across a candlelit dinner into the eyes of that special someone. For these lucky souls, Valentine’s Day is cause for celebration and an excuse, as if one is needed, to throw a little kindling on the romantic fire. For many others, however, Valentine’s Day is a kind of a dirge, a painful reminder of someone or something that is missing. Some of these individuals are deep in the ravages of…

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My Special Valentine: Planned Parenthood!

Holy Shit! Planned Parenthood has been taking it from all sides lately. While this outstanding organization has long been the target of religious zealots and anti-choice lunatics, they’ve recently been subjected to a new wave of attacks aimed to undermine their credibility and ultimately bring them down. The anti-choice group Live Aid has recently orchestrated a campaign, which involves the creation of deceptive videos of pseudo patients in select Planned Parenthood locales. The videos feature a “pimp” and a “prostitute” seeking health care services for…

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