Have Fun. Right Now. Today.

OK, OK, OK…. My inner child is picking her nose and wiggling in her seat. She’s come up with ten ideas for having fun right now. I’ve tried each of these and can testify that they all work. Let’s roll: Throughout the day, text weird and happy selfies to a select handful of unsuspecting friends and family members. They’ll enjoy it. You’ll enjoy it. Everybody wins. Yay technology! Strike up a conversation with a grumpy old person. Ask them ridiculous and very stupid questions. They’ll think…

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10 Ideas for Feeding the Muse

I recently sat down and wrote a letter to my muse, kindly asking her to please return. At some point in the spring, she wandered off. It seems I wasn’t paying enough attention to her. My mind was so engrossed in just trying to survive the last few months of my teaching gig that I didn’t notice she was gone right away. That is, until I needed her. It took a little work to coax her back. She rightly wanted to know, “What’s in it…

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