Mom of a Nomad: Part Two

The Nomad in Houston It’s now been four months since Emmett took off on his trek to explore the U.S. When we spoke on the phone this past Saturday, he was about an hour outside of Washington D.C. Assuming that all went as planned, he arrived just in time to see how Independence Day is celebrated in our nation’s capital. Nice move, Emmett. At the time of my last post, Emmett was just pulling out of Houston, where he stopped to…

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Mom of a Nomad: Part One

Cousins. Axel & Emmett. New Mexico, April 2015. It’s now been roughly two months since my son Emmett took off to live as a nomad; traveling across the United States to see what he can see, to experience new things and to generally explore the magical and mysterious path of life. Since my initial post on this story generated so much interest, it seems an occasional update is in order. This is my first report. The preliminary part of Emmett’s trek…

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The Unexpected Empty Nest: 12 Tips for Mom Blues

Circumstances have a way of taking unforeseen turns and sometimes we find ourselves in a situation of living apart from our minor children. There can be a multitude of reasons–divorce, financial issues, geographical moves or even the kid’s own choice–but typically this is not the scenario we’d envisioned when we became mothers. We imagined that we had more time, at least 18 years, and we didn’t expect to be staring at an empty nest so early in the game. It’s a course shift of epic…

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Genderqueer-Part III

This post has been temporarily removed.   Kate Bornstein   *** Stay with us. Don’t sink to the bottom like a fish going to sleep. Be with the ocean moving steadily all night, not scattered like a rainstorm.   The spring we’re looking for is somewhere in this murkiness. See the night-lights up there traveling together, the candle in its gold dish.   Don’t slide into the cracks of ground like spilled mercury. When the full moon comes out, look around.…

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Genderqueer- Part I

  This post has been temporarily removed.  

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Riff on a Perfect World

  RIFF ON A PERFECT WORLD   In a perfect world….. The days would begin and end with a chant, a wink and a smile that stretches across miles, winding in and around the Milky Way and back again. There would be outbursts of spontaneous salsa dancing in grocery stores and it would be the norm. Chocolate would be the new broccoli. My living room would have cobalt blue walls, a baby grand piano and a vase of stargazer lilies. In a perfect world…. Live…

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Running Down the Scat

Hoo-rah! Tonight is the first meeting of a four week scat workshop with my much beloved teacher and jazz musician extraordinaire Greta Matassa. I signed up for this well over a month ago and am happy and excited to get started tonight. When it comes to scat singing, Greta is a nuclear missile. She’s also one of the sharpest teachers around, and there’s no doubt in my mind that this is going to be a great workshop. Scat singing mesmerizes me. Throughout the years, I…

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