There is probably nothing I can say about the unhinged narcissistic man-toddler that is the GOP candidate for president that hasn’t already been said. OK, maybe there’s one thing: If said man-toddler even thinks about grabbing my genitalia, I’ll give him a swift knee to the nuts and as hard a right hook as I can power to the upside of his oddly-coiffed head. Moving on, we’ve watched the presidential campaign for months now. We’ve seen the debates. We’ve expressed our outrage again and again. In…
A month or so ago, I started writing recaps of some of the shows I’ve recently seen and posting them on the blog under the heading of “Hang-a-Dang.” The point of these posts is to provide little snapshots of what’s happening out on the local scene and to give a feel for some of the venues that are hosting live music. The idea for “Hang-a-Dang” came out of a lunch date with a friend and colleague. He was lamenting that not enough is being…
Bembe Olele at Jaam Rek It was a whole lot of fun bopping around the Jackson Street Jazz Walk last night. Clubs, restaurants and studios along the walk were packed to capacity. Lots of people were out and about; strolling the sidewalks, meeting and greeting and taking in the sights and sounds. There was even a taco truck for the hungry crowds. Jackson Street was jumping once again. There were numerous acts performing across multiple venues, and the music ran from…