Our Creative Lives: Other People

  Today I’m writing about other people and how they impact our creative lives. Of course, “other people” is a broad swatch. It can include friends, fans, people who buy our products/services, family, “the competition,” mentors, audience members and possibly, the crazy next-door neighbor. Unless you’re living and creating in some isolated spot far up in the Himalayas, other people are going to eventually wander into your creative landscape in one way or another. So how do they affect what you do? Do they inspire…

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Boxley’s Love

Today I’m thinking about venues that present live music verses venues that are pro- music. The former hires musicians to play in their clubs, throws some coin to the band (And, if the band is lucky, a meal and a few drinks.) and folds live music into the overall ambiance of the environment. The bottom line in these joints is usually food and drink sales. The more bodies the band can put in the seats, the better. The latter, however, is specifically about the music.…

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January gigs, etc.

Hello people. January has roared in with a bang, and I have some cool gigs to tell you about! Boxley’s Thursday, January 13, 2011- 7:00pm Duo performance with Randy Halberstadt on piano Boxley’s has all the elements that make it a great place for live jazz: a big, ol’ Steinway piano, a great sound system, upscale but comfortable décor, very tasty food and cheerful service. It’s truly a terrific place to enjoy a slow, relaxed dinner and take in a little live music. Although it’s…

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The Guys in the Band

In my humble opinion, the best friends a vocalist can have are the musicians in his or her band. This has been my experience anyway. Throughout the years that I have been on this jolly trip, I have been blessed to work with high-caliber musicians, who are not only at the top of their game in terms of mastery and creativity, but who are also inspiring and kindhearted human beings. These musicians are the patient and…

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