The Unexpected Empty Nest: 12 Tips for Mom Blues

Circumstances have a way of taking unforeseen turns and sometimes we find ourselves in a situation of living apart from our minor children. There can be a multitude of reasons–divorce, financial issues, geographical moves or even the kid’s own choice–but typically this is not the scenario we’d envisioned when we became mothers. We imagined that we had more time, at least 18 years, and we didn’t expect to be staring at an empty nest so early in the game. It’s a course shift of epic…

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Mantra For a World Gone Mad

  It seems the world has gone mad.       There are airstrikes (again) in Iraq. Brief, uneasy ceasefires notwithstanding, there is fighting (still) on the Gaza Strip. Ebola continues its somber rage across West Africa. Airplanes are blown from the sky or fall silently to points unknown and never found. Closer to home, frightened children are detained at the border. Mothers fall to their knees as senseless shootings crackle through summer nights again and again and again. Smart and willing souls struggle to find…

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Genderqueer-Part IV

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Genderqueer-Part III

This post has been temporarily removed.   Kate Bornstein   *** Stay with us. Don’t sink to the bottom like a fish going to sleep. Be with the ocean moving steadily all night, not scattered like a rainstorm.   The spring we’re looking for is somewhere in this murkiness. See the night-lights up there traveling together, the candle in its gold dish.   Don’t slide into the cracks of ground like spilled mercury. When the full moon comes out, look around.…

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Genderqueer-Part II

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Genderqueer- Part I

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  Yesterday, the teen animal and I went down to the tattoo parlor and got inked up. Two bodies. One design. It was a bone cold afternoon and I was on the verge of despondency over the Seahawk’s loss to the Falcons. An outing with Emmett was the perfect thing–perhaps even the only thing–that could pull me out of my downward, post-game spiral. The idea to get tattoos together was Emmett’s. He threw it at me one night while we were having dinner in Chinatown.…

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The Curious Relativity of Time

  Today is my youngest son’s 15th birthday.  Enzo was originally due on Halloween. However, potentially serious complications came up and the wise decision was made to deliver him early via C-section. Fifteen years ago today, I was getting ready for my trip to the hospital. Bags were packed. My older son Emmett was set to spend the night with friends. My husband Charlie was off from work. My best friend Lisa was driving up from Portland. At that time, I didn’t know the gender…

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Gay Pride, Proud Mom

  My son came out to me in the form of a text. I was working on my computer late one night last September. Enzo was staying at his dad’s house that particular evening. I had my nose deep into something I was writing when his text came in. The text, which was sent to both his father and me, was succinct, yet in my mind, absolutely beautiful. It said, “I’m gay. But I’m also very tired, so I’m going to bed. We can talk…

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A Screeching Halt

Everything came to a screeching halt. On Wednesday afternoon, I received the news that my son Emmett’s best friend had been in a horrific accident. As he was riding his bicycle to work, he collided with a van. He suffered massive brain injuries and underwent emergency surgery at Harborview, where he now floats in a coma in the intensive care unit. On this particular day, my wonderful city was already in the grips of sorrow and shock over the senseless shootings that took the lives…

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